Need Some Help with a pastoral issue?

 If you are having a pastoral emergency, you can contact us for help at any time. Call (952) 934-9106, then press 7 to be connected to our pastor or associate pastor.

Help is available if you are experiencing any of the following...

Sudden poverty or homelessness

Contact a priest, deacon or pastoral minister to discuss options or get counseling.
Help is also available through Love INCPROP, or Families Moving Forward.

A sick or seriously ill family member

Several ministries can be a source of comfort and healing during the difficult time as you deal with an ill family member.

Contact our ministry staff if you need to talk, or contact the parish office to request to add a prayer to the prayer chain. Anointing of the Sick is available, contact a priest to set up a time. Prayer shawls can be made for those who need them.

Suicidal or desperate thoughts

Please contact a priest immediately, or call our main line to connect to someone to talk with.  We are here to talk with you and to help, and so is Christ!

Struggling with pregnancy and contemplating abortion

There are options, and support within your community, so please contact us to talk to someone!

Homebound and in need of care or communion

St. Hubert has an active Homebound Communion Ministry, and we are happy to help. Or receive a note from our Card Ministry. Receive a prayer shawl from our prayer shawl ministry. Contact the parish office at 952-934-9106 for more information.     

Marriage or family problems

Call our parish office at 952-934-9106 to be connected with someone who can help.

The death of a loved one

Talk with our Pastoral Minister or other ministry staff for counseling or meet with the Southwest Grief Coalition. Click Here to see the current schedule and details.

Contact the parish office at (952)934-9106 if you need to make funeral arrangements.

Problems with an addiction

Contact someone from our ministry staff for help, counseling, or just to talk. You can also contact Alcoholics Anonymous.

Overwhelmed by guilt, sorrow or shame

Call one of our priests to talk about your concerns. You can also set up a time for counseling, a time for confession, or attend one of our regular confession times to clear your conscience.

Recently separated or divorced

Contact our Pastoral Minister. You can also contact any of our ministry staff for counseling or help with any family, moral, faith, or other pastoral issues.  Click here to visit our staff page.