Young Adult Ministry

St. Hubert’s Young Adult Ministry invites those from the ages of 18 to 39 to belong to a community of young adults that will inspire, equip and challenge each other to live as active disciples in the secular world that we live in today.  

St. Hubert’s Young Adult Ministry is dedicated to fostering wholistic discipleship of those entering adulthood and trying to better understand and discern God's place for them in this world and His call for their life. We serve young adults who are in all different stages (single, dating, married, young families, divorced, widowed, etc.). We desire to give young adults an inviting and encouraging environment to grow and learn more about their faith! We aim to help them develop a stronger personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church and equip them to share Him with others. This is done through fostering small groups (of people with similar age, back ground, and stage of life), giving them opportunities to socialize and build relationships with other Catholics; teaching and instruction on our Catholic faith and how to live it in this secular world; group prayer and celebrating the sacraments together; and opportunities to serve the poor.

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