Can a Word of the Day Change your Life?

My Two Cents Worth: Blog written by a widow in the parish

Another new year. Another chance to begin again, to hopefully make our lives better. We make resolutions and plans that last for a few weeks, at best, and then are abandoned, and we go on as we have always done. What if we could do something small and easy that would change how we live?

Many months ago, I was part of a study group learning to grow in our faith. One of the weekly exercises was to reflect on one of seven words each day. This intrigued me. Each day, as I began my morning prayer, I wrote the word for the day at the top of my journal page. I was amazed at how often that word would show up in the readings for the day or in my daily activities.

After a week, I began to think this exercise was a good one to keep. I copied the words on little slips of paper and placed them in a bowl. Each morning, I would draw out a new slip. I would carry it with me through the day. Often, I was surprised by how the word for that day was reflected in the day's events. I have kept this practice going for several months now. I saw that these seven words were changing the way I thought, the way I related to others, and the way I prayed.

So, what are these remarkable words? They are seven virtues, seven words that teach the virtues of the Christian life. They are seven actions, thoughts, and ways that act as an antidote to vices and sins. They are powerful words and ways to live this Christian life.

A virtue is a firm, habitual disposition to do good. (see the Catechism of the Catholic Church §1805)

1)      Charity – also known as Love, meaning to will and to do the good of the other, sacrifice for the good of the other. Antidote for: Greed

2)      Kindness – acting toward another without self-interest, being joyful with the other, helping, listening, and being patient. Antidote for: Envy

3)      Compassion – accompanying the other, feeling another’s pain or joy, seeing the other, and trying to understand them. Antidote for: Anger

4)      Purity- Chaste behavior and thoughts, a habitual turning towards God, acting from motives without self-interest. Antidote for: Lust

5)      Temperance – self-restraint, prudence in thought and action. Antidote for: Gluttony

6)      Diligence – steadfastness, doing what needs to be done promptly, staying the course, trusting in hope. Antidote for: Sloth

7)      Humility – knowing who we are before God, not thinking less of ourselves, but thinking about ourselves less often. Antidote for: Pride

Now, here’s the challenge: Choose one of these words each day. That’s it; just choose one word a day.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you choose that word. You can take them in the listed order or select a word randomly. Whatever method you use, God will be active in that choice to bring you closer to Him. To help you grow in your faith and ever closer to Jesus.

Over time, you will find yourself being more attentive to the operation of virtue in your daily life, and you will see how these virtues counter the vices and sins to which we all are subject. Each word is an invitation to walk closer to Jesus and see as He sees. They are an invitation to turn the focus away from ourselves and towards Jesus and others. And to live the two great commandments: to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, minds, and strength; and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Your New Year’s Challenge: Choose one virtue word each day, and see what God has in store for you. 

Charity  *  Kindness  *  Compassion  *  Purity  *  Temperance  *  Diligence  *  Humility